28 research outputs found

    Macrolepiota olivascens, a new species for Poland

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    The article presents a new for Poland species of fungi, Macrolepiota olivascens M. M. Moser & Singer, found in Milechowy reserve near Chęciny in the western part of the Góry Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Morphological characters of the specimens are described and illustrated in the paper

    On triangle-free graphs maximizing embeddings of bipartite graphs

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    In 1991 Gy\H ori, Pach, and Simonovits proved that for any bipartite graph HH containing a matching avoiding at most 1 vertex, the maximum number of copies of HH in any large enough triangle-free graph is achieved in a balanced complete bipartite graph. In this paper we improve their result by showing that if HH is a bipartite graph containing a matching of size xx and at most 12x1\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{x-1} unmatched vertices, then the maximum number of copies of HH in any large enough triangle-free graph is achieved in a complete bipartite graph. We also prove that such a statement cannot hold if the number of unmatched vertices is Ω(x)\Omega(x)

    Wieloaspektowość prewencji zespołu zaburzonego łaknienia

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    "Jakość życia jest - zgodnie z definicją Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia - przestrzeganiem przez jednostki ich miejsca w życiu, uwarunkowanym kulturą i systemem wartości, którymi jednostki się kierują; z uwzględnieniem ich celów, oczekiwań, norm i zainteresowań. W przypadku młodego człowieka prawidłowy i wielokierunkowy rozwój jego osobowości wymaga akceptacji własnej osoby i umiejętności budowania indywidualnej tożsamości oraz zachowania autonomii."(...

    Figurative language impairment in aphasic patients: the effects of the type of figurative trope

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    Research conducted into the processing of figurative language by aphasic patients has repeatedly demonstrated that such patients experience difficulties comprehending nonliteral forms of discourse such as metaphors, idiomatic expressions, proverbs or irony (see, for example, The aim of the study described in this paper is thus verifying the effect of the type of figurative trope on the aphasic patients' figurative performance. In order to obtain a comprehensive examination of aphasic patients' figurative language skills, a figurative language battery was prepared, consisting of four parts, each of which focuses on a different figurative trope (idioms, metaphors, proverbs, and similes), and employs different tasks (multiple choice test presented on the computer screen, completion of the unfinished metaphorical expression presented orally). Idiomatic expressions used in the figurative battery varied with regard to their well/ill-formedness, opaqueness/transparency and non/literalness; metaphors varied along the dimension of conventionality (conventional vs. novel) and structure (nominal, verbal, adjectival); whereas similes differed in the number of words following the comparative word as. All of the proverbs used in the test were highly familiar, as confirmed in the norming study conducted with a group of Polish healthy adults. The obtained results confirm the essential role of various dimensions of idiom and metaphor variability in influencing figurative language processing in aphasia

    Differences in the composition of the bacterial element of the urinary tract microbiome in patients undergoing dialysis and patients after kidney transplantation

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    IntroductionThe development of molecular biology methods and their application in microbial research allowed the detection of many new pathogens that cause urinary tract infections (UTIs). Despite the advances of using new research techniques, the etiopathogenesis of UTIs, especially in patients undergoing dialysis and patients after kidney transplantation, is still not fully understood.MethodsThis study aimed to characterize and compare the composition of the bacterial element of the urinary tract microbiome between the groups of patients undergoing dialysis (n = 50) and patients after kidney transplantation (n = 50), with positive or negative urine culture, compared to healthy individuals (n = 50).ResultsAsymptomatic bacteriuria was observed in 30% of the urine cultures of patients undergoing dialysis and patients after kidney transplantation, with Escherichia coli as the most dominant microorganism (73%) detected with the use of classical microbiology techniques. However, differences in the bacterial composition of the urine samples between the evaluated patient groups were demonstrated using the amplicon sequencing. Finegoldia, Leptotrichia, and Corynebacterium were found to be discriminative bacteria genera in patients after dialysis and kidney transplantation compared to the control group. In addition, in all of urine samples, including those without bacteriuria in classical urine culture, many types of bacteria have been identified using 16S rRNA sequencing.DiscussionThe revealed microbial characteristics may form the basis in searching for new diagnostic markers in treatment of patients undergoing dialysis and patients after kidney transplantation

    A quantum-chemical study of the binding ability of βXaaHisGlyHis towards copper(II) ion

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    The present study analyzed binding of Cu2+ to tetrapeptides in water solution at several levels of theoretical approximation. The methods used to study the energetic and structural properties of the complexes in question include semiempirical hamiltonians, density functional theory as well as ab initio approaches including electron correlation effects. In order to shed light on the character of interactions between Cu2+ and peptides, which are expected to be mainly electrostatic in nature, decomposition of interaction energy into physically meaningful components was applied

    Type of expressive markedness of the formative -essa

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    The text will define the expressive nature of lexemes from a new group of feminatives, the determinant of which is the suffi x -essa. The study is an attempt to record this group. The lexemes under examination will be subject to a wordformation analysis. The precise determination of the type of expressiveness of words will be facilitated by the results of a survey conducted among Polish language users. The paper will be concluded with a discussion on the possible future of lexemes with the formant -essa in Polish